

Tunus’ta Uzun Dönem Gönüllülük

Tunus’ta Uzun Dönem Gönüllülük

Erasmus+ Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti projelerimiz kapsamında Tunus’ta ekoturizm alanında gerçekleşecek uzun dönemli proje duyurusunu aşağıda İngilizce olarak bulabilirsiniz.

Projeye katılmak isteyen adayların başvurularını 31 Aralık 2019’a kadar  ev sahibi kuruluşa e-posta göndererek yapmaları gerekmektedir: associationpinna@gmail.com 

Başvurular, Europass CV ve Motivasyon Mektubu eklenerek gönderilmelidir. Eksik olan başvurular dikkate alınmamaktadır. Başvuru belgelerinin düzenlenmesi ile ilgili bilgiyi internet sitemizden alabilirsiniz: www.avrupagonulluhizmeti.com 

Proje Kapsamında Karşılanan Masraflar:

  • Yolculuk masrafları (275€ / 2)
  • Konaklama masrafları (%100)
  • Yeme-içme masrafları (50€ aylık)
  • Sağlık sigortası (CIGNA)
  • Yerel ulaşım masrafları (20€ aylık)
  • Cep harçlığı (91€ yıllık)

Hosting Organization: Pinna Pour le développement et la promotion de l’écotourisme

City & Country: Ariana, Tunisia

Number of Volunteers: 1 volunteer

Starting Date: as soon as possible (on December 2019)

Ending Date: 31th May 2020

Short description of the host organization: Association Pinna is a national NGO founded in 2013 and specialized in the development and conservation of coastal and marine areas and the promotion of Ecotourism in Tunisia. Please see  http://www.associationpinna.org/

Volunteer’s role and tasks:

  • Assist the association team in overseeing the daily activities, general camp operations, and programs to ensure a quality camp. Assist in the development of programming handling staffing.
  • Work with special events, promotions, and any other special needs as they arise.
  • Ensure that all program area schedules are completed satisfactorily in a timely manner.
  • Ensure the maintenance of accurate program and administrative records.
  • Ensure that the site is kept clean, organized, and free of litter.
  • Be responsible for knowing, understanding, training, and executing all camp policies and emergency procedures associated with the camp.
  • Assist in mid-summer and post-summer evaluations with the head of the Association.
  • Interact effectively with the camp staff as a total system, with campers’ best interest in mind.
  • Be a leader in parent communication and address parent concerns in a timely manner. Seek the help of the association team when necessary.
  • Assist with the various administrative tasks necessary for camp to run efficiently.

Volunteer Profile:

  • Minimum age of 21.
  • Minimum experience in camp, youth programs, recreation, working with children, or in a related field.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of practices, procedures, activities, and programs as they relate to youth/child camping.
  • Strong inter personal communication skills.
  • Must have the physical ability to lead and participate in camp activities, which include hiking, swimming, physical activities.
  • Must have the ability to transport, restrain, and physically support children and staff when needed for safety purposes in general camp activities and group initiative activities.