

Tunus’ta Kısa Dönem AGH

Tunus’ta Kısa Dönem AGH

Erasmus+ Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti projelerimiz kapsamında gençlik çalışmalarına yönelik gerçekleşecek kısa dönemli proje duyurusunu aşağıda İngilizce olarak bulabilirsiniz.

Projeye katılmak isteyen adayların başvurularını 30 Haziran 2019’a kadar doğrudan evs@gonulluhareketi.org adresine göndermesini bekliyoruz.

Başvurular, Europass CV ve Motivasyon Mektubu eklenerek gönderilmelidir. Eksik olan başvurular dikkate alınmamaktadır.
Başvuru maillerinin konu kısmına, “Tunus’ta Kısa Dönem – APJT” yazılması gerekmektedir.

Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti programı ve başvuru belgelerinin düzenlenmesi ile ilgili bilgi www.avrupagonulluhizmeti.com sitesinden alınabilir.

Hosting Organization: Association Progression des Jeunes Tunisiens (https://www.facebook.com/FHIRD.D/)

City & Country: Tunis, Tunus

Number of Volunteers: 1

Project Duration: starting on 10 July 2019 for 2 months

Volunteer Tasks:

  • Working with kids from rural areas near the town – language classes, art workshops, sports events, outdoor games.
  • During school holidays – organizing camps for kids and youth
  • Online radio – talk shows on topics that you are interested in
  • Working on the web-site of the organization and writing articles in a volunteer newsletter.
  • Helping in our office – preparation of papers, teaching English to kids.
  • Promotional events – participating in street events to promote volunteering
  • We are also open to your ideas – we will support your small projects and initiatives.

Volunteer Profile:

  • Patient and interested in working with young students.
  • Enjoys nature and the local environment.
  • Environmentally concerned and willing to learn more about the environmental issues.
  • Interested to gain or improve competences and gain valuable experiences.
  • Like to experience a different culture and integrate into the local community.
  • Has an interest in education and cultural issues and promoting various ways of involvement in community life of young people.
  • Is comfortable working as a part of a team.
  • Motivation and interest in environmental/educational/youth topics
  • Availability for 2 months project
  • Willing to live together, share and cooperate with other EVS volunteers
  • Good proficiency in English language (both written and spoken)
  • Good command of Microsoft Office (PowerPoint-Excel-Word) -Internet- Social network.