Erasmus+ Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti projelerimiz kapsamında Tunus’ta ekoturizm alanında gerçekleşecek uzun ve kısa dönemli proje duyurusunu aşağıda İngilizce olarak bulabilirsiniz.
Projeye katılmak isteyen adayların başvurularını 28 Nisan 2019’a kadar doğrudan bize, adresine göndermenizi bekliyoruz.
Başvurular, Europass CV ve Motivasyon Mektubu eklenerek gönderilmelidir. Eksik olan başvurular dikkate alınmamaktadır.
Başvuru maillerinin konu kısmına, uzun dönem proje için “Tunus’ta AGH Uzun Dönem”; kısa dönem proje için “Tunus’ta AGH Kısa Dönem” yazılması gerekmektedir.
Başvuru belgelerinin düzenlenmesi ile ilgili bilgi www.avrupagonulluhizmeti.comsitesinden alınabilir.
Hosting Organization: Pinna Pour le développement et la promotion de l’écotourisme
City & Country: Ariana, Tunisia
Number of Volunteers: 2 (1 long + 1 short term)
Project Duration (1): starting on 6 May 2019 for 2 months
Project Duration (2): starting on 6 May 2019 for 10 months
Short description of the host organization: Association Pinna is a national NGO founded in 2013 and specialized in the development and conservation of coastal and marine areas and the promotion of Ecotourism in Tunisia. Please see
Volunteer’s role and tasks:
- Assist the association team in overseeing the daily activities, general camp operations, and programs to ensure a quality camp. Assist in the development of programming handling staffing.
- Work with special events, promotions, and any other special needs as they arise.
- Ensure that all program area schedules are completed satisfactorily in a timely manner.
- Ensure the maintenance of accurate program and administrative records.
- Ensure that the site is kept clean, organized, and free of litter.
- Be responsible for knowing, understanding, training, and executing all camp policies and emergency procedures associated with the camp.
- Assist in mid-summer and post-summer evaluations with the head of the Association.
- Interact effectively with the camp staff as a total system, with campers’ best interest in mind.
- Be a leader in parent communication and address parent concerns in a timely manner. Seek the help of the association team when necessary.
- Assist with the various administrative tasks necessary for camp to run efficiently.
Volunteer Profile:
- Minimum age of 21.
- Minimum experience in camp, youth programs, recreation, working with children, or in a related field.
- Demonstrated knowledge of practices, procedures, activities, and programs as they relate to youth/child camping.
- Strong inter personal communication skills.
- Must have the physical ability to lead and participate in camp activities, which include hiking, swimming, physical activities.
- Must have the ability to transport, restrain, and physically support children and staff when needed for safety purposes in general camp activities and group initiative activities.