Erasmus+ Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti projelerimiz kapsamında Bulgaristan’da engelli bireyler ile ilgili gerçekleşecek bir proje, biri uzun dönem, biri de kısa dönem çalışacak iki gönüllü arıyor!
Projeye katılmak isteyen adayların başvurularını 21 Haziran 2019’a kadar (uzun dönem proje için son başvuru tarihi: 26 Haziran 2019) doğrudan, adresine göndermenizi bekliyoruz.
Başvuru maillerinin konu kısmına “Bulgaristan’da Uzun Dönem AGH” veya “Bulgaristan’da Kısa Dönem AGH” yazılarak, Europass CV ve Motivasyon Mektubu eklenerek gönderilmelidir. Eksik olan başvurular dikkate alınmamaktadır. Başvuru belgelerinin düzenlenmesi ile ilgili bilgi sitesinden alınabilir.
Hosting Organization: Association “Focus – European Center for Development”
City & Country: Pazardzhik, Bulgaria
Number of Volunteers: 1 long term + 1 short term
- Project Duration (1): starting in June 2019 for 10 months (long term)
- Project Duration (2): starting in June 2019 for 2 months (short term)
Short description of the host organization: The Focus- European Centre for Development is a non profit association located in Pazardjik (BG). It’s aims include to involve the youth in activities of personal and social development; to provide activities and organize events aimed at restoring and improving the quality of environment; to improve the wellbeing of persons with disabilities, acceptance by their families, and socializing amongst their peers, colleagues, friends, and community in which they live. More information is at
Volunteer’s role and tasks: Volunteers will participate in instructive activities, educational services. Their role would be consistent with the opportunities and responsibility. Mission volunteers will always be led by supervisor and rehabilitator.
Volunteers will have the opportunity to submit their own country and culture by organizing food, exhibitions, slide-show examples.
Volunteers will participate in educational activities educators by helping people with disabilities in the manufacture of pottery, cards, posters and more. Together we will organize their time to visit the institutions, cafes, public spaces, galleries, theater, movies and more. Volunteers will support people with disabilities in their daily activities – nutrition, hygiene, dressing, working, walking in the city/park and others. Will participate in festivals and celebrations of the association and the day care center.
Volunteers will organize activities during leisure customers – such as painting, music, hiking, and more. Finally, the volunteers will have the opportunity to develop a personal project related activities and objectives of the day care center and the host organization.
Besides all these, the volunteer is encouraged to come up with new ideas, youth initiative, youth exchanges, or other kind of projects that can be suitable with hosting organization.
Volunteer Profile:
- volunteers to be motivated,
- ambitious person who want to show and prove their skills,
- able to prioritize tasks and allocate work in a team,
- interested in the social sphere and to work with people with disabilities.
- have knowledge of English.